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Arnold LeDoux Library: Internet, "Fake News," and Information Literacy

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Online information is not free.

Most of it is funded either by advertising or by subscription. The "open Internet" sells ads. Library and other databases are purchased from vendors, who are primarily interested in profit for their businesses. Scholarly publishing is caught in a flux of marketing and technological changes. Read more here.

Digital literacy is the ability to responsibly use a computer for information.

  • Virtue and the Internet: Christine Neulieb's article about social media dependency. Almost everyone has it, but it that good? If not, why?
  • The ACRL's Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education expands library instruction standards to include "multiple literacies," including digital, media, and transliteracy. Read it here.


Cats and the Internet

Hackers, Fake News, and Other Online Issues

Digital Ethics and Privacy Issues